Online eGov Payment Processing
LoGO delivers flexible and secure online payment services
that simplifies the transaction management process for
local government and citizens without requiring investments
in IT staff or infrastructure. eGov Payments increases
adoption rates and customer service by streamlining and
managing the transaction process between citizens and
government personnel. Designed to work alongside existing
front and back-end solutions, online eGov Payments provides
a single user interface for processing and managing all of
your online payment transactions. (more info...)
Over-the-Counter eGov Payment Processing
LoGO delivers you a Point of Sale solution specifically
designed for state and local governments to process cash,
credit card and check payments over the counter.
Over-the-Counter enables you the convenience of accepting
payments for goods and services sold at the counter, over
the phone or by fax. Your staff may data enter the payment
information onto a common checkout screen or you can choose
to use a variety of credit card readers, PINPad and signature
capture devices. Over-the-Counter gives you administrative
control to set up your catalog, pricing structures, clerks
and administrators. Add or delete from your catalog as often
as needed. Set up discounts for multiples as well as tax
exempt items or transactions. (more info...)
Self Funded Online Services
LoGO partners with government to improve service delivery
for citizens and businesses by bringing services online. We
launch many new services each year that streamline and
simplify interaction between constituents and local
government agencies. (more info...)